First Company


The Ironclaw Company, the 1st Company of the 11th Serval Regiment, traces its lineage back to the original Serval Prime Militia, a planetary defense force that safeguarded the capital before the Imperium formally integrated Serval into its vast war machine. When the Imperium demanded regiments as part of Serval's tithe, the elite soldiers of the Serval Prime Militia were among the first to be organized into the Astra Militarum. The Ironclaw Company retains the traditions of discipline, precision, and unyielding defense that once defined their service in the capital. Today, they are an adaptable frontline force, combining traditional infantry tactics with modern Astra Militarum doctrine, making them a formidable presence in any engagement.

Company Executive Officer

Captain Kael Daryn

Structure - Rifle Company

As per Servalian Military doctrine, and in accordance with the Departmento Munitorum, a standard Rifle Company consists of the following Platoons:
  • 1st Platoon - Infantry (Founding in progress)
  • 1st Platoon - Infantry (Founding scheduled, under process of the Adeptus Administratum)
  • 3rd Platoon - Heavy Weapons Squad (Founding scheduled, under process of the Adeptus Administratum)
  • 4th Platoon - Field Ordnance Squad (Founding scheduled, under process of the Adeptus Administratum)
  • Chimera Armored Transport Vehicle
  • Armored Sentinel